Records from Other Sections of Philippine Archives Collection

Glossary of Initialism, Abbreviations, and Acronyms

Term Meaning
AC Army Corps or Area Command
ADF American Dominion Forces
AFPAC Armed Forces in the Pacific
AFWESPAC Army Forces, Western Pacific
AGRD Adjutant General Records Depository
AGRP Adjutant General Recovered Personnel
AIB Allied Intelligence Bureau
APO Army Post Office
Atchd Bn Attached Battalion
Atchd Co Attached Company
AUS Army of the United States
AUSA Army of the United States of America
BB Bicol Brigade
BMA Bulacan Military Area
BMD Bataan Military District
Bn Battalion
CAC Cebu Area Command
Co Company
COWHM Chinese Overseas Wartime Hsuehkan Militia
DHQ Division Headquarters
Dist HQ District Headquarters
DPRB Demobilized Personnel Records Branch
ECLGA East Central Luzon Guerrilla Area
FACGF Fil-American Cavite Guerrilla Forces
FAIT Fil-American Irregular Troops
FBBU Fighting Bolo Battalion Unit
FLA Farm Labor Auxiliary
FLAS Farm Labor Auxiliary Service
GHQ General Headquarters
GHQ, SWPA General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area
Grls Guerrillas
GSP Guerrillas Special of the President
HQ Headquarters
HQ & HQ Co Headquarters and Headquarters Company
HQ & HQ Det Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment
HQ & HQ Sv Co Headquarters and Headquarters Service Company
HQ Sqdrn Headquarters Squadron
HQS Headquarters
KKK Katipunan or Free Philippine Patriots
LAC Leyte Area Command
LGAF Luzon Guerrilla Army Forces
LGF Luzon Guerrilla Forces
LMS Lanao Military Sector
MD Military District
MFA Marking’s Fil-Americans
MFAIT Marking’s Fil-American Irregular Troops
MFAT Marking’s Fil-American Troops
MIS Military Intelligence Service
MMD Manila Military District
NEPMD Northeast Pampanga Military District
NMU North Manila Unit
NWPMD Northwest Pampanga Military District
OSI Office of Special Investigator
PA Philippine Army
PAC Philippine Archive Collection
PAP Project Philippine Archives Project
PMA Pangasinan Military Area
PMAC Pampanga Area Command
PMD Pampanga Military District
POW Prisoner of War
PQOG President Quezon’s Own Guerrillas
PRPA Philippine Rifle and Pistol Association
PS Pangasinan Sector
PTMD Pangasinan-Tarlac Military District
QM Co Quartermaster Company
QMC Quartermaster Corps
RMC Returned to Military Control
ROTC Reserve Officers Training Corps
RPD Recovered Personnel Division
RPD, AFWESPAC Recovered Personnel Division, Army Forces Western Pacific
SBAC Southern Bicol Area Command
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe
SMA Salt Military Area
SMS Serafim M. Silvestre
SNES Southern Neuva Ecija Section
STMD Southern Tarlac Military District
TMO Tanggulan Military Organization
TWS Tarlac West Sector
USAFFE U.S. Army Forces in the Far East
USAFFE-PA U.S. Army Forces in the Far East-Philippine Army
USAFIA U.S. Army Forces in Australia
USAFIP U.S. Army Forces in the Philippines
USAFP NL U.S. Army Forces in the Philippines-Northern Luzon
USARPC/NPRC U.S. Army Personnel Center/National Personnel Records Center
USASOS U.S. Army Services of Supply
VA Veterans Administration
VAUSA Philippine National Volunteer Army USA
Wa-Chi Unit Philippine Chinese Ant-Japs Volunteer Corps
WAS Women’s Auxiliary Service
WLGWF Western Leyte Guerrilla Warfare Forces
WLTM Western Lanao Troops Movement
ZMD Zambales Military District